Designed exclusively for the diamond industry, B2B Mini 5.1 is a high-volume polished diamond imaging design. With robust efficiency and advanced software, B2B Mini delivers accurate and rapid results, creating a virtual buying experience that mirrors in-office purchasing. Its user-friendly design and gem holder-based system ensure effortlessness of use, enabling even semi-skilled artisans to operate it with ease. Within a few minutes, one can scan diamonds which will be ready to share across any platform. Cost-effective and feature-rich, B2B Mini 5.1 enhances buyer confidence, reduces shipping and insurance costs, and revolutionizes the diamond procurement process.

v360 diamond
  • hd sdiamond 360 VIEW
  • hd sdiamond Face-up
  • hd sdiamond Fluorescence
  • hd sdiamond Still
  • hd sdiamond laser Inscription (1)
  • hd sdiamond Tweezer Daylight 360 View
  • hd sdiamond Tweezer Sparkle 360 View
  • hd sdiamond Tweezer Daylight Face up View
  • hd sdiamond Tweezer Sparkle Face up View
  • hd sdiamond Shade Card Face up View
  • hd sdiamond Shade Card Colour View
  • hd sdiamond Case view
  • Easy to use It’s having very simple modus operandi ”Place, Preview & Create” insert your clean diamond, check the preview & scan it. No skilled photographer required.
  • Productive & Fast It’s designed for high volume photography, it fastest photographing speed is 0.4 Second per Image. Share your scan with customers immediately.
  • Secure & Cost effective Everything is done on your premises, lesser goods transfer. It saves your shipping & insurance costs and improves business cycle.
  • Follow Industry Standards It follows the design, which is prescribed by global diamond certification authorities. e.g. lighting Positions, viewing angle & Quality.
  • Maintenance Free Design Vision360 designed for zero periodic maintenance & low operating cost.


User friendly

It’s having very simple modus operandi “Place, Preview & Create”. Insert your clean diamond, check the preview & scan it. No skilled photographer is required

Robust & Compact Design

Robust as its predecessors with the modular concept with easily replaceable parts for manageable & fast repair.

Accurate & Fast

It’s designed for high-volume photography at a very high speed. Anyone can share the scan output with customers immediately.

Platform Independent

It’s Plaorm (Mac, Windows, Android, iOS) Independent system with mulple output formats such as Java Script, HTML & Mp4.

Actual Colour

A blend of high-quality uniform indirect lighting with UV content (opotional) & colour correction profile delivers an actual colour


Designed with consideraon of space saving and featured transportable purpose with easy & fast assembly.

Multicolour Background

360° diamond image can be scanned with supplied Black, Grey & White colour (praccally with any colours) backgrounds.

0.10 to 50 Ct. Size

It can scan at 360°, both, rough & polish diamonds between 0.10 to 50 Ct

Key Features

The naked eye view module is an oponal add-on service for the diamond videography service. It will be available to the customers only if they need addional funconality. While buying the product, the customer must specify the need for this service.

Face-up Image

Check the diamond’s overall cut symmetry, inclusion locaon & light refracon of the diamond under office light appearance.

Fluorescence Image

This imaging helps to idenfy the fluorescence grades, by exposing the diamond to ultraviolet radiaon of specific wavelengths, which affects a diamond’s lustre and pricing.

Inscription Image

These are the leers & numbers inscribed on the diamond by the grading lab that cerfies the purity of the diamond. This is helpful to protect yourself from fraud.

Color View

Get the side view color of the diamond easily. You can also feel the color in reference to the shade card representaon.

Naked Eye View Module

Tweezer Daylight View

Tweezer Face up View

Using the Tweezer Face-up View, one can inspect the diamond’s inclusion from only one direct angle. The diamond is held by the pavilion with the help of a tweezer and viewed from above. This view enables you to see inclusions as they appear from this specific view. This view is available in three different background shades.

Tweezer Daylight 360 view

Using Tweezer Daylight 360 view, one can examine the diamond’s inclusions from every angle, including both front and back. This comprehensive view allows you to observe the inclusions with the naked eye which is easy to assess and idenfy. The inclusions from different perspecves help to evaluate the diamond’s clarity and consistency. This view is available in three different background shades.

Tweezer Sparkle View

Tweezer Faceup Sparkle view

When posioning the diamond in direct sunlight or under the spotlight, one can observe the interacon of light with the diamond from the face-up posion. This view highlights the sparkle of the diamond to reflect the light that showcases the brilliance and quality of its cut. This view is available in three different background shades.

Tweezer Sparkle 360 View

When posioned under the spotlight or sunlight, one can observe the interacon of diamonds overall, from all angles. The view highlights how the diamond’s facets, showcase its sparkle and overall brilliance; thus providing clarity and visual appeal from all angles. This view is available in three different background shades.

Shade Card Table

With the Shade Card Table, the users can assess the overall appearance and brilliance of the diamond on the white background as viewed with the naked eye. This method allows for a clear evaluaon of the diamond’s color and its visual impact.

Case View

The case view features the naked eye perspecve of the diamond as it appears within its display box. Case view helps the buyers to understand the exact dimensions of the box that is used for single-stone diamonds.